Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Detective art game

This is a detective game where you're given a painting and have to match what artist made it. It gives you six artists to choose from and a copy of their work: Raphael, Titian, Millet, Van Gogh, Gauguin and Picasso. The painting is a Millet so this would be a good start for kids when learning about Millet's work.


The MONDRIMAT is a simple system which lets you experiment with space, color and visual rhythm in accordance with the theories of Piet Mondrian.

Great website to create your own Mondrian using technology instead of painting.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Warm and Cool Colors

Learn Warm and Cool Colors
This game is fun and has the player move the center bar up and down to allow the cool colored balls together onto one side and the warm colored ones on the other. The game gets harder as the player advances.

Artist/Artwork Match Up

Artist and Artwork Match Up
This game has players match the name of the artist to the name of one of their pieces.

Detail Detectives

Detail Detectives
This game shows a piece of art work and has the player pick from four images which one is within the piece. This helps students realize how difficult it can be to pay attention to detail and take a closer look at the color and style of the artwork to get a right match.

Spin Art

Spin Art
This website allows students to virtually make spin art using three different speeds and a variety of colors.

Sunday, November 13, 2011 Destination Modern Art

This website is an interactive website for art classroom students who are exploring art history. It is a great website for elementary students who are beginning to explore are or may be going on a field trip to the MOMA.

National Gallery of ART

Another fun tool on National Gallery of ART website is the digital imaging editing tool. Similar to photoshop, but free, kids can edit their own pictures or pictures from the web. This allows students to interactively use art and photograph in the classroom.

National Gallery of ART

This website allows students to interactively use "faces with places" tool to place objects into works of art to make them their own.